Monday, June 7, 2010

Beach: When Caught In a Rough Current

Growing up, I used to love swimming in the ocean. I would swim so far back so that I could “ride” the big waves into shore, find sand bars that were so far out, yet the water was still knee high (given that I am petite, that says a lot!). However, in the past couple of years, this hasn’t been the case. More and more we are hearing sad stories on losses because of the rough waters.

I just watched a segment on LX New York about how to attempt surviving a rough current. Below is what was said:

* First, relax your body and let the current take you. Tenseness will restrict you from staying focused.
* Second, once the wave ends, you must swim parallel to the shore, which is away from the current. Often time, we try to swim perpendicular, as in, straight towards the shore where the current will simply take you back in. Also, be aware that your feet will no longer be touching the sand. Do not let this scare you!

Granted, saying this and actually doing it are two different things. As for me, I no longer go in the water for a swim. I simply go knee deep and splash around like a child! It’s just as refreshing, and believe it or not, still fun! In any case, I wanted to share this information with everyone just in case.

Wishing everyone a fun, but safe summer season!!

1 comment:

  1. This is some pretty neat advice. I love swimming as far as possible till the life guard whistles me in, never got into any major trouble, but this is good advice.
